BWN's Lead Consultant, Dr. Bing Ni, is a Chartered Geotechnical Engineer with over 35 years of experience working on influential projects in both New Zealand and overseas (China, Australia, Fiji, Samoa, PNG and Canada). In the past 25 years, he’s worked with some of New Zealand’s most successful engineering consultancies including Tokin & Taylor, Coffey and Opus as a senior Geotechnical Engineer. Dr. Bing Ni’s expertise has been crucial to many projects all over New Zealand and overseas, from large sized infrastructures, major highways and high-rise buildings to small scaled developments. Below is a small selection of his recent and past projects
Southern Corridor Improvements
Commercial Bay
Northern Corridor Improvements
Rosedale Wastewater Treatment Plant
AMETI Panmure Phase 1 (Auckland Manukau Eastern Transport Initiative)
NGA (Northern Gateway Alpurt B2)
THL (Tauranga Harbour Link)
Leone Bridge (Samoa)
Western Belfast Bypass (Christchurch)
Waikato Expressway Package 1
Nabouwalu Road Improvement (Fiji, 14 Bridges)
Caversham Highway Improvements (Dunedin)
Mt Albert Station
MIT Transport Interchange
Lihir Gold Mine (PNG)
Wiri Mens Prison
Huntly North Ventilation Shaft
Brisbane Airport Link
NSW Pacific Highway Upgrade (Australia)